Etiquette: Invitiations

First some context:
This is predominantly a singles friendship and dating site with an outdoor activity focus. There are some members who are attached and just looking for walking buddies, or who met on the site and who wish to keep up with their friends. We provide tools so you can meet up and have fun, either through trad. dating or by posting and/or enjoying Invite meets.
I am often jealous at the wide range of activities that you all get up to. The aim is that the activities are outdoorsey in nature, but inevitably there will be Christmas Parties, pub "walks", and fun days out.
- An Invitation is created by the poster. It is their invitation. They set the rules. They are the boss. We don't have anything to do with what is arranged, where and for whom. None of the invitations are "officially" sanctioned or vetted in any way by us.
- If you don't like the look of an invitation then don't go.
- If you are the Organiser and would rather a particular member didn't come to your party, you can cry if you want to. Private messaging would be the best route to discuss attendance. It would be sad if anybody did deliberately work to block a member as the site is open and friendly, but I prefer not to arbitrate in such matters. Sometimes people just don't get on
. Welcome to life.
- The Organiser is just that. The Organiser. They are not responsible for those who join them. No claims should be made about their ability to lead an activity, nor should they be assumed. Although some members have relevant qualifications most won't. Be aware as an adult you are responsible for your personal safety, need to provide your own suitable kit, and need to be happy you could manage on your own if necessary.
- A picture, route map, idea of length and terrain, kit required etc is a good idea as it both helps members decide whether to attend and helps the Organiser ensure the attendees are equipped and able to deal with the outing.
- If you choose to collect monies for an activity or send money to an Invite Organiser make sure you appreciate the hassles and risks you are entering into. If money goes missing we cannot be held responsible for it.
- Please do not use the invitations section to promote personal commercial profit making ventures. Its fine to organise an event with an external third party, but not to advertise your own events and services.
Invitations and Children
- Generally Invites should be considered adult only unless you have asked the organiser if its OK to bring a child. This would be best done in the public comments so others can see the response and decide what to do accordingly.
- Child friendly invites are fine if you want provided its mentioned as such. Kids walk better with other kids. Parents want to share this important part of their lives with other parents. Single adults have kids and its a key discussion to be had in any singles/dating scenario. If you don't want to attend then don't.
- You are solely responsible for the safety of the child you bring.
Invitations and Safety:
- Normal dating safety rules apply, but as you may be walking through lonely places with a stranger you need to be extra careful. If an organiser cancels a meet up because only you are attending don't be offended. If you pitch up and don't like the look of the organiser be polite and walk away. A group is safer than two.
- Avoid giving out mobile numbers and home addresses and emails until you feel you know the person. I know this is awkward as meeting at a strange place without a mobile contact should you get lost is tricky, but we managed it before mobiles were invented!
- Checkout » this page « for more on safety.
Invitations and Risk
- You should recognise that most outdoor activities carry an element of risk, including a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.
- Although an invitation organiser may mention personal experience and qualifications in an activity your safety remains entirely your own responsibility and you should be prepared to walk away if your feel ill prepared in any way.
- Invite organisers should avoid making claims about their ability to lead an activity.
- It is essential when undertaking outdoor activities that you carry and know how to use the correct equipment for the activity. There is plenty of advice available online and in guides for this. Conversly if someone turns up for an invitation ill prepared for the given activity do not be afraid or embarrassed to point out the shortfalls and turn the person away.