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lalandranger68   on 31/07/23 @ 9:38

Mountain king poles are brilliant. Lightweight and retractable. Bit pricey but worth every penny. 👌

ADAlly & Dave   on 31/07/23 @ 14:55

For plain walking here in the UK any poles will do. If they need to fit in luggage on flights or in the rucksack when climbing or scrambling then you need folding instead of extending ones. For use in rocky terrain I would go for aluminium instead of carbon fibre - much more durable, less prone to snapping, and cheaper as well.

on 31/07/23 @ 23:44

PS I've got some spare used pairs of extending poles in the loft. Happy to donate them to you when we meet at an invite.

FcFlat cap (Mike)   on 01/08/23 @ 0:00

Hello everyone thank you I will look into all the above, Mike that is very kind thank you

downtoearth65   on 01/08/23 @ 8:17

Hi, I'm not a fan of walking poles and seldom use them. However, they are very useful in soft snow if you have set that you can fit large baskets to.

JohnH   on 01/08/23 @ 8:33

E bay. Loads of choice at far lower than shop prices.

LWLazlo Woodbine   on 02/08/23 @ 14:22

Lazlo Woodbine: Even cheaper are hedgerows. Cannot beat a good stick.

PhPhiltheetiler   on 03/08/23 @ 21:12

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