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Interest so far

Yes - definitely: Corrie, Wild Adventuress, JohnH, Ber123, Dansky, Roland_C, Kath_T, clarely, walklovemyson
Yes - maybe: Well and Truly, Carkat, JudyAnn, Langdale20, jakcm, trekkie, SheilaB, busyBee, lovewalking, Loran, Kestrel7, BigBadJohn
Sorry - can't come: Alissy

I'll be retired 2025 so could be easier to plan. Enjoyed 2022 👍

jajakcm   on 17/05/24 @ 6:00

Hi Jacky, glad you enjoyed it in 2022 and it would be great to see you back in 2025.
Cheers, John.

JohnH   on 18/05/24 @ 21:39

Just been having a nosey on who everybody is and where they are from etc.
Looks like a really broad and easy going collection..
I haven't been in a kayak or canoe for a long time but would love to have another dabble.

trtrekkie  on 18/10/24 @ 21:23

trekkie: Hi, yes, all previous years have had a broad and easy going collection of members, past members and various friends and relations. There is no reason why this won't continue this year.
With such a large group, the WhatsApp group, which is exclusively for the Arran trip has been very successful. Cheers, John.

JohnH   on 20/10/24 @ 6:49

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