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Yes - maybe: going4gold, Kim1115
Sorry - can't come: downtoearth65

Hi . I’ve been to Morocco before self guided cycle touring around the Atlas and anti Atlas Mountains and into the Sahara for a camp which created many happy memories and some helpful research / maps . So yes could very well be interested and flexible on dates

on 25/11/24 @ 14:56

April is generally better weather than February . February falls within the rainy season. Although global warming might impact

gogoing4gold   on 26/11/24 @ 18:28

going4gold: Hi, I'm not very ofay with this site. Thanks for your interest and the information. My number is 07528 186221 if you want to contact me on there. I'm away until Friday x

SWSnow White   on 27/11/24 @ 20:34

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