17 Comment(s)
Walk starting from Keswick meeting at Booths (cafe and toilets) at 9.30am.
Depending on the weather forecast, Either an easy 8 or 9 mile walk around Derwentwater, either 'fording' the potentially flooded path near Lodore, or extending walk to Grange.
Or if fabulous weather a hike up Skiddaw, main path descending via Skiddaw House or Lonscale Fell.
There is a talk at Rheged Near Penrith as part of the Everest Exhibition this evening - Sandy Irvine The Man Mountains and Mystery. If anyone is interested and buys a ticket I can arrange a lift. I have a, ticket now so definitely driving over to Rheged maybe slightly earlier to have drink and snack.
Once I know who might be interested in today's walk we can discuss.
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LiveForTheOutdoors: hi that was a quick response!!
on 31/12/24 @ 16:44I would park my car somewhere else as it costs a lot at Booths. There is a lay by off the Portinscale Keswick road just a quarter of mile before Keswick which has free parking and various other places, in Keswick such as road by Fitz park as it turns towards the railway path. I'll post other ideas for parking when I've sorted the walks 😀
LiveForTheOutdoors: 👍
I'll be there throughout staying at the CCC next door to Booths so long as, because of distance/ fuel etc costs, weather is not looking utterly crap. Lovely plans. Thanks v much for doing this. Chris
on 01/01/25 @ 21:22Will make a decision on Mon 6th and let you know.
CMChris MurisHi, thanks for the heads up on the Rheged presentations, did not know about that place. I have booked tickets for the evening of the 10th/Irvine and 11th/Life behind the Lens Seat E9 on both days. If your offer of a lift on any of those days is still available then I would like to to take you up on it? otherwise I will make my own arrangements. For your walks I will attend any of the walks on the 10th/11th/12th and if any are cancelled it does not matter as I am over there for the presentations anyway. I have booked today into CCC Braithwaite to arrive 9th and depart 12th. Cheers
on 02/01/25 @ 11:49I have a date mistake in my message, I leave the Lakes on the 13th, sorry
waLezWChris Muris: Chris Muris: Looking forward to it!
on 04/01/25 @ 1:33Chris Muris: 👍
on 04/01/25 @ 1:33LezW: yes I'm defi itely driving over to Rheged both Friday and Saturday nights. Maybe slight easier to catch the cafe for snack and dro k depending on what time we get back from the walk. Can discuss on the day.
Ok, and thank you for the offer, Peter Barker is going to the talks as well. As you say, for discussion on the 10th walk. Cheers
waLezWLezW: 👍
on 04/01/25 @ 16:28Just in case anyone is, wondering.... Everything fine for tomorrow. Meet Booths 9.30am with packed lunch and thermos, and we'll probably head on mid level hike around Derwentwater as Skiddaw likely to be very icey after the cold nights here down to minus 8 or more. I went up in deep powder snow earlier in the week in spikes. A few others attempted but 3 turned back as had no spikes or cramoons and it was not icey then just deep snow!
on 09/01/25 @ 18:53See you tmrw. I'll have dark navy jacket with bright orange hood and green blue wool hat!!!
LiveForTheOutdoors: 😂
Beautiful cakes to sustain us!!! Stunning snowy series of Cumbrian January walks. Big name adventurer evening lectures at Rheged too. All so well organised by WildAdventuress!! Much enjoyment for all.
CMChris Muris