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2024 Picture Competition.

Filter by 'Newest Pics' above for the latest entries and 'Top Rated' to see who's winning.

Vote for the best photo of 2024 by rating the pictures.

To rate a pic simply log in, click the picture, then click the star below the picture for your rating from 1 to 5. Everyone who is registered can vote. You can only rate a picture once, but you can rate multiple pictures. The system will display the average of all ratings allowing a more recently posted picture a fair chance against the first posters. Please try not to rate just 1 or 5, try to be bit like the 'Strictly' judges.

The winner will be anounced in January 2025, and there will be a prize for the top 3 photographers rather than the top photos (thus allowing for multiple entries). Only subscription members can enter a photo. In the event of a tie break Site Admin's decision is final. Photos can be uploaded until December 31st.

Voting will close at midnight on the 1st of January. In the event of a tie break Site Admin's decision is final.

© Image posters are the sole copyright owners of the image. Images may not be copied or used in any way without the express permission of the poster.